Category: web development

  • ARIA Label Bookmarklet

    I love simple bookmarklets that visualize coding patterns. I was working on a project today and wanted to verify that aria-labels were sufficiently descriptive. So I put together this quick bookmarklet. aria-label bookmarklet Simply drag that up to your bookmark bar and click on it whenever you need to test a page. If an element…

  • Keyboard Accessibility with the Space Bar

    Keyboard Accessibility with the Space Bar

    Keyboard accessibility is critical for your users that depend on voice recognition, onscreen keyboards, screen readers, ergonomic accessories, and your power users that prefer to avoid grabbing the mouse for every task. Most people test to make sure every interactive element can receive focus via the tab key and that buttons and links work with…

  • Accessibility Bookmarklets

    Update: this was originally published in 2013 and many of the links will be outdated. Bookmarklets are small javascript links that let you perform tasks in your browser. I have collected a set of bookmarklets that allow easier accessibility testing. This collection will certainly grow. What is your favorite? Add it in the comments. To…